미드 덱스터 보는 중에 lizard brain 을 도마뱀 두뇌라고 번역되어 있길래 찾아보니


위험을 감지하는 본능 같은 의미네요.



lizard brain

that part of the brain that senses danger, where instincts and gut feelings originate; primal thoughts; subconscious or involuntary processes; the amygdala
"Dexter" Season 5, Episode 7:
Lumen: I just had a feeling. Some sort of lizard brain thing.
Dexter: She's starting to sound like me.

"Dexter" Season 7, Episode 3:
Deb: How do you know he'll kill again?
Dexter: An alarm is going off inside my lizard brain.

"Fool Moon - The Dresden Files, Book 2" Chapter 15:

"I could have sworn I saw her face start to change, her bared teeth begin to grow into fangs. Maybe that was just the effect of the magic on my perceptions, though, or a primitive, lizard-brain sort of reaction to Tera rising to her feet and charging toward me with a howl. There was murder in her eyes. I hadn’t gotten beaten up twice, shot, and nearly



한편, 덱스터 여동생 데브라가 가장 많이 하는 말 두 번째 쯤이 piss off인듯. ㅋ

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Posted by 공돌이pooh